Published on
Mar 10th 2022

Triangle Schools - Questions Answered!

We were approached by few RTP residents/moms with some of these questions about schools. So we put in our effort to find answers for few questions. If you have further questions/suggestions please reach out to us on our Facebook page or email us at [email protected].
  1. Which is better - Public schools, Magnet or Charter?
    • It all depends.
    • Even if the child attends a magnet school, there is no guarantee that the assigned teacher works great for your child. There is more to teacher-student interaction dynamics.
    • We highly recommend reading - Why Sending Your Kid to the Best Possible School May Backfire. For some kids, being surrounded by heavy competition can hurt test scores and incite disruptive behavior.
    • For kindergarten or elementary school kids, it’s tough to decide what environment each kids excels at. So it’s a toss. We believe it’s a personal decision for each parent. Providing the best education in the right environment is equally important.
    • Try different options and see what works for your kid. Elementary age is the best time to venture out and try different options.
  2. Child got admission in a Magnet school, if we accept admission will I lose a spot in base public school?
    • Yes. Students who apply for and receive a seat at a new public school (base school or magnet) lose the spot at their previous school automatically.
    • But if you decide to not accept the spot at Magnet School before the school year starts and instead got to base school, students can submit a transfer request before a certain deadline and they are guaranteed to be accepted.
  3. How are siblings prioritized?
    The highest priority in any of the application processes is for siblings. Requests to assign a sibling to the same school as an older sibling are guaranteed if the request is made during the January/February online applications.
  4. Are all charter school system the same?
    • No. They are like private schools. They belong to different organizational committees(CSUSA, Montessori) and follow different curriculum (state enforces some standards) and are funded by the state.
    • You can apply to multiple Charter Schools and get accepted.
  5. Child got admission in Triangle Math and Science Charter School. If we accept admission will I lose a spot in base public school?
    • Yes. When you accept admission to a charter school you have to communicate in writing to the base school. After that you lose your spot in the base school, moved to the bottom of the wait list for your base school.
  6. Child is attending magnet or base school and is transferring to base school that is enrollment capped. Is their spot guaranteed?
    • Spot is not guaranteed because of enrollment caps. You will be on the wait list and will not be prioritized. You can always enroll in overflow school.
  7. Child got accepted to charter or magnet school for 2022-23 school year. If we accept and join for 2022-23 year, but later regret and want to come back to base school for the 2023-24 school year. Is their spot guaranteed?
    • Spot is not guaranteed because of enrollment caps. If you have not accepted your base school once, you will be moved to the bottom of the wait list. You will be on the wait list but not on the top of the list. You can always enroll in overflow school.
  8. What are my chances of getting in if my child is in an applicant pool (waiting list)?
    • This is similar to any wait list (like Railway ticket waitlist). It depends on the number of available seats and the number of applicants.

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Tags: education